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Re: Re: My opinion

> Unfortunately, they're not rumours. Currently, the head of the NAACP, 
> Kweisi Mfume, is down in Florida to check reports that African American 
> voters were pulled over on the highway, asked for ID, and detained on 
> their way to the polling places for no reason. Some were told, when they 
> got to the polls, that the polls were closed, or that there were no more 
> ballots. It's not a matter of who's smart and who's stupid. It's a matter 
> of who's running smack into old-time Southern racism and who isn't.

Well, maybe this is a deeper problem than elections.  It sounds to me just
like stupid police.  Of course, just because the NAACP investigates
something hardly makes it fact automatically.  The reason for the
investigation is rumors, perhaps well founded, that there was an abuse of

> If the voters in Florida were disenfranchised, and reports have that 
> number running into the thousands, then the vote is considered, BY LAW, 
> to be void. I don't care who the hell anyone voted for. But the fact that 
> people had their civil rights trampled as if the Voting Rights Act of 
> 1965 had never happened is abhorrent to me.

I agree.  The problem remains.  How do you prove such a thing before next
January with out pulling down scapegoats?  I mean, I'm sure there are
police officers who abuse their authority, but it isn't all of them.  Are
we going to line up traffic cops and ask people to identify the one who
stopped you. Such identifications have recent been called into question
when officers ID defendants, is it more accurate the other way
around?  I'm not saying that we should ignore it.  I'm merely pointing out
the impossibility of such a situation and asking if anyone has a
realistically possible solution to our apparent electorial debacle.

> Liberty and Justice for all means ALL.



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