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Re: My opinion

From: <Ysobelle at aol_com>

> Unfortunately, they're not rumours. Currently, the head of the NAACP,
> Kweisi Mfume, is down in Florida to check reports....

to check reports states that it is still rumors. It hasn't been confirmed.

> Go to CNN.com-- right now, I'm watching the NAACP public hearings in
> Miami on election day irregularities.

I tried, the file doesn't exist. :-)

> If the voters in Florida were disenfranchised, and reports have that
> number running into the thousands, then the vote is considered, BY LAW,
> to be void. I don't care who the hell anyone voted for. But the fact that
> people had their civil rights trampled as if the Voting Rights Act of
> 1965 had never happened is abhorrent to me.

Racism is sick. Unjustice is sick. And yet we live in a world full of it. I
don't agree with everything, and yet I personally think things are being
blown out of proportion to make sure that results are as Gore wants. Which
is another form of injustice. I fight against injustice every day, where
children hide from police so they don't get beat up. That's reality. what
else can I say? But to call for a revote or a hand count (which in my
opinion is going to be more wrong than a computer) is not the answer. The
answer is to change the future not make things even rougher for the american
politics becuase we can't agree. There are peace talks that need to be
concentrated on,  and other very important things, this is important and
needs to be solved and yet it's not the most important. Innocent people are
dying and we are focused on whether every single person had their vote
counted the way we think becuase we heard from someone that someone else
said that someone didn't have what they should.


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