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Re: Re: My opinion

On 11/11/00 6:32 AM, quoth prayforamy at bigfoot_com:

>If you want to go there keep in mind that in Missouri the polls were left
>open for Democrats for an extra hour or so. So let's not go off saying a
>bunch of rumors. I am sorry, but this is crazy. And minorities are smart
>enough to know the voting times and I know several 'minorities' and they do
>pretty darn good at getting what they want. Don't compare them like that,
>they are pretty darn smart. And there would have been majorities mixed in
>with the minorities anyway. :-)   They don't have seperate places for
>minorities and majorities any more.

Unfortunately, they're not rumours. Currently, the head of the NAACP, 
Kweisi Mfume, is down in Florida to check reports that African American 
voters were pulled over on the highway, asked for ID, and detained on 
their way to the polling places for no reason. Some were told, when they 
got to the polls, that the polls were closed, or that there were no more 
ballots. It's not a matter of who's smart and who's stupid. It's a matter 
of who's running smack into old-time Southern racism and who isn't.

Go to CNN.com-- right now, I'm watching the NAACP public hearings in 
Miami on election day irregularities. They're being co-hosted with People 
for the American Way. If you miss it now, it'll be archived. It's 
fascinating and, for someone who used to live in Florida, a rather bitter 

If the voters in Florida were disenfranchised, and reports have that 
number running into the thousands, then the vote is considered, BY LAW, 
to be void. I don't care who the hell anyone voted for. But the fact that 
people had their civil rights trampled as if the Voting Rights Act of 
1965 had never happened is abhorrent to me.

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