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Re: OTR listees in Ca...

You're a lot more devoted than I am...OTR holds one slot (the most recent
release of "Good Dog Bad Dog") in my CD collection (which currently holds a
total of 23 discs, most of which are dominated by Beethoven with the Beatles
coming in as a close runner-up and Sixpence taking a slightly more distant
third).  I'm very tired right now, and since I ramble a little, I apologize.

I'm very frustrated right now with the way the British screwed up the English
language, too, so I will never say "Over the Rhine have..." or "Over the Rhine
take..." or any other such perverse rendering of a singular subject followed
by a plural verb conjugation.  If you have a problem, just remember that your
the one following that ridiculous rule that tells you to go against everything
you know about the English language.

Thank you.

I fully intend to get "Patience" as soon as I muster up the funds, along with
the new album coming out near the beginning of next year, I believe.

Oh, yes, OTR does have a slot with the quote at the bottom of my email, but
tomorrow it might very well be C.S. Lewis or Victor Hugo, maybe something of
R.E.M.'s invention or a little ditty by my good friend Ano Nymous.



Japyx at aol_com wrote:
>     Well, while we're on the subject of introductions, I'm Samantha,
> currently of Dayton, formerly of the south of CA, and a really, really,
> really devoted admirer of the music of OTR.   In practice, that only
> translates into buying as many of their CDs as I have money for and listening
> to them all the time and letting their mood set the tone for my life, which
> I'm sure makes me much less of a devoted than most of you people.  Oh, and I
> joined this list.   Anyway, under your tutelage, I hope to deepen my devotion
> to the group whose music most reminds me of my strange picture of God.
>     Oh, and if Burrill is still on this list, as he was several months ago
> when he recommended it to me, Hi!
>     ~Samantha

"Sometimes what feels like pretty good music
is just the same old song.
Sometimes we deal with bygone bruises
and find it’s been too long." - Over the Rhine, "Dead Weight"
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