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Re: Good flicks?

At 08:52 AM 8/4/00 -0500, Mandy Fowler wrote:
>Has anyone seen any good movies lately that they'd recommend? 

let's see...the last movie i saw was _jesus' son_, based on a book of short
stories by denis johnson. i can't think of the name. see it if you get the
chance. i'd like to read the book. uh, we finally rented _american beauty_
on video because we were sick of waiting for the dvd. it was okay.

> I just saw "Run, Lola, Run" and really liked it.  German with subtitles, 
> a teeny bit like "Sliding Doors," if Gwyneth Paltrow had had neon red 
> hair and a tattoo on her belly.  Plus I learned how to swear in German, >
which is invaluable.

yeah, that one is on my list of need-to-sees.

i really haven't seen a lot of movies this summer. i saw chicken run and
shaft one night, that was fun. i still need to see that new pokemon movie.
maybe this weekend if i'm not too busy working.


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