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Re: Before otr...


Jen sez:

> Not necissaril;y because of OTR, but still post otr, I've gotten into
> VOL, Patty Griffin, Lucinda Williams, Moxy Fruvous,  Cowboy Junkies, Dar
> Williams, John Lee Hooker, Tom Waits, Wild Colonials, Michael Kelsey,
> Tickelpenny Corner, Sinead Lohan, etc., etc., etc..... (with much
> begrudged thanks to DM, being that all of these are his fault.  Begrudged
> only because of how much money I had to drop on these cd's after he moved
> out *smiles*)

oooh,  he's got good taste in music.  i'd move back in  with him if i were
you.   um,  where's the Pogues?
don'tcha just love Dar Williams?   isn't she terrific?  oh, thank you thank
you thank you  Jan Kendrick!

hey, this could be part II of the pre-  and  post- OtR music discussion.
who did you get turned on to based on your  involvement with this list?
like as i just mentioned,  if not for Lostie Jan,  i may not have picked up
on yummy Ms. Williams...

If not for Lostie Candace, i may not have picked up on  Bruce Cockburn....

If not for Lostie Chris Emery, I may not have any Radiohead albums....

If not for Ex-Lostie Jay Harnish,  I may not have my 16 HP album   (never
mind that i'm not too fond of it,  at least i ~have~ it!)....

If not for Way Ex Lostie  (even before we were Losties!)  Melissa,  i
wouldn't have any Sixpence None the Richer albums at all,  and i wouldn't
have seen 'em live at little Kent State's  Kiva Theatre when they were just
a little band before exploding BOOM! with Kiss Me  (so that was fun,  seein'
em little.)   and also due to her i wouldn't have my Sunny Day Real Estate
album which i like a lot  ~plus~  which has the absolute greatest art in the
world all over it  (damn, i want big framed originals of that stuff on my
walls!  think DB would part with any of her impressionist wall space?  ha!
not a snowball's chance!)....

If not for Jessyka,  no Story,  no Jonatha Brooke,  and i would have totally
passed by Natalie Imbruglia, which isn't half as bad (actually it's not bad
at all) as i had assumed it was gonna be.     you know how you sometimes
make assumptions about people?  like who woulda thunkit that J. Marie Hall
would be a Rage Against the Machine or a Hole person?    Sometimes your
little assumptions get blown clear outta the water!  amazes you.

If not for the Kent Scooby Gang losties,  no Michael Kelsey.

And on the back burner,  ones to try one of these days are Dan Temesfeld's
band and Ysoie's guy.   they speak highly and often and are probably
correct.   (yeah, i'd list their  names if i could remember them....oh,
well, this'll give them reason to jump in here).

And probably by list-osmosis,  and the band i love the best of all the ones
i didn't know before hanging out here with all you cooler-than -me
Vigilantes of Love.

ever read liner notes where the artist says  "sorry if i forgot anyone,
there are just too many people.  if you feel left out insert your name here
___________" or something  to that effect?    me too.   so insert your name
here and remind me,  and "thank you".

np:  Holly Cole  __it happened one night__


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