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Re: Re: the walrus is paul

On 5/2/00 4:45 PM, barabas0 at hotmail_com (barabas0 at hotmail_com) wrote:

>thanks alot dr. fred.  your insight is once again helpful.  maybe some of 
>you other vets could also shed some more light on the progression of otr.  
>how did they used to be different? what did there music offer in years past 
>that it no longer does. why the rut in set lists???  did they used to mix it 
>up?   maybe they're spending too much time 'down on the hardwood floor' or 
>something.  who knows.  personally i happen to have enjoyed immensely almost 
>every otr show.  (i've seen perhaps 5)
>back to otr please,

I think I can sum it up in one vignette: the Emery '96 show. We all had a 
huge conga line that danced up one aisle, up into the balcony, down the 
stairs, and down the other aisle, right in the middle of "Happy With 
Myself?" Duggie and Shelly led the way and we all laughed and danced 
ourselves sick.

I don't think that's going to happen again any time soon.

This morning, I was unsubbed from the list 20 times. To exactly how many 
people has this happened?
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