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REV: Vigilantes of Love, 4/19

Dan writes:

>>Anyway, off my rant and back to the VoL show... Melissa, Rick and Chris 
>>(Creole) were all there.  Any other listies there?

I just discovered this list recently...so hello. Was at the VOL show and 
found them their delightful selves once again. Bill's voice keeps getting 
better -- there's a plush warmth to it that I never tire of.

I'm glad they played a fair amount of new stuff since I've seen them several 
times. Agree with your take that the set seemed to be created on the fly but 
I liked this. The crowd (and me!) yelled out several favorites they didn't 
touch and I respect them for that. They seemed to want to highlight new 
stuff and they succeeded.

A good crowd for a Wednesday night too!

>>Pike 27 opened up.  Um... too country for me.  I think
they played too long...<<

I have to disagree with you here. I found Pike 27 refreshing and more rootsy 
than country. Nice to see a local band like them around here and I'll be 
looking for them again. They had a good vibe, a solid energy level and their 
lyrics were thought-provoking. But that's just one humble listener's 

I agree a few of their songs tended toward the twangier side of music, but I 
hear undertones of the same in some VOL songs. Sometimes I think people (not 
saying you are one of them, this is just a generalization) are too quick to 
write off anything that "sounds like country" before giving it a chance. But 
that's an entirely different discussion and probably one that's not 
appropriate for this list. :)


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