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Re: more about love, war and stupid people

>Heather, jealous do I ever get?

Probably because you never truly loved her or anyone else in your truly long 
and lustrous career of womanizing.

(place your automatic and insincere denial here:________________)

>Which is what?

The two alternative are anarchy or police state, which one would you prefer?

>The only real sin is to hurt another human being unnecessarily.

Sin, never, its good for the soul to rough someone up once in a while.  Pure 
catharsis.  Arbitrary and random executions do wonders for the morale of the 

>And your ability to hit an elephant with a banjo has anything to do with 
>what? Or is it your belief that Charlton Heston is Moses and god?

"objection, your honor, relevance."


>apparently you needed an knat's left nut?

The humor is lost on the nulkulturny phillistine.

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