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Re: more about love, war and stupid people

By Saint Christopher, this is almost fun...
>Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2000 20:24:47 GMT
>>He definately has the guts.
>Unfortunately, you can't make that statement until he has done it.  You
>never know how one reacts to first person violence until it happens.  He
>hasn't killed anyone, has he?

Again, silly rabit, don't go asking question you don't want the answers too. 
First rule of the deck.

>>If you saw the fire in DM's eyes
>Overly romanticizing a little bit aren't we?  Must've been the jalapeno
>pepper he had for lunch.

Nope, real fire. I'm really just an actualization of a character from a 
japanese monster movie.
(DM LOL at hisself)

>I offer a different explanation.  Male machismo and possessiveness,
>testosterone pissing contest...huh, huh, Jane...my woman...you...you go 
>your own...

As opposed to any proof against your argument that people will out 
themselves in the line of danger for love?
Besides, if you have any idea of who I am, you'd know I've got little 
concept of male machismo and possesiveness.

Heather, jealous do I ever get?

>Our legal system and law enforcement constraints aren't perfect.

or for the most part, effectual.

>proof of intend and evidence are required.  Sometimes, the system seems a
>bit unresponsive to be sure, but its an imperfect system for an imperfect
>world.  The alternative is much worse.

Which is what?

The only real sin is to hurt another human being unnecessarily.

>>Have you read anything else I've posted?  Christianity indeed.  Gun
>do not concern me.

To quote The Big Lebowski, oh so appropriate here:
"Its OK Donny, these men are just Nihlists. They're cowards."

As far its concerned, I am an expert marksman,

And your ability to hit an elephant with a banjo has anything to do with 
what? Or is it your belief that Charlton Heston is Moses and god?

>the phrase is I can pick off a knat's left testicle at 50 yards,

apparently you needed an knat's left nut?

>all you need to know :)

No, we're still looking to see if you know a damn thing on topic here.
(that being Over The Rhine)

Who will be at Malone College in Canton on 4/29/2000

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