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Re: Careful! List newbie on the floor!

hi.  welcome aboard.

> Anyway, I'm just getting my feet wet with OTR, having heard a few of their
songs on the radio.  What would be a good choice for a first album purchase?
i think  you might as well go with Good Dog.   It seems that that's the
direction L/K  wanna take their music now,  so if   you're new,  you might
as well pick up from the current point of departure.   Eve's a great choice,
and although it's my personal fave, too,  it's
a)  too hard to find
b)  a style they are moving away from as fast as you might move from a house
fire.   in a sense,  why bother?  (heheheh,  a little punny reference!)
if you like Alanis Morrisette,  would you really want her disco-y album from
years before?   (used as allegory;  i have no idea or care if you like ms
morrisette or not)

> One more Q before I click the send button.  Is "Amateur Shortwave Radio"
considered a "greatest hits" type of album?

call it what you will,  they call it a 10-year-retrospective.   greatest
hits works for me,  but with the caveat that OtR doesn't have any hits.

> It seems to have a lot of overlap with the earlier ones.  Would it be
better just to get that one, or skip it altogether in favor of the earlier

yeah, but then you'd be skipping __Moth__  and   __Anyway__  and those are
worth the price of admission alone.

Or......invalidating the point i was making earlier,  maybe you could get
the nice  __Besides__  album,  and then you'd get the totally ass-kickin'
live version of __If I'm Drowning.__     that goes on car-repeat all the

(i'm gonna miss brian).

alright, Chris, you've been warned.  make  your best decision.   (how wrong
can you go?)

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