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Re: THE Drew (no OtR)

On Tue, 08 Feb 2000 21:22:33 -0500, you wrote:

>No, seriously, Drew is actually a quite gifted actor.  For those
>on the list who have been fortunate enough to be able to see him
>in his recent performance with the Mariemont Players in THE 
>COARSE ACTING SHOW- am I right about him?
>The whole thing was hilarious.  And Drew's characters in the last
>two acts were brilliant.  Going into details about the play will
>take me too long, but all I can say is that I haven't laughed so
>hard for a long time.  It was brilliant.  Imagine a play where 
>everything goes wrong.  This play was based on actor mess-ups, 
>prop mess-ups, scene mess-ups, everything.  It was brilliant.
Thank you very much for those kind words! I am glad that you enjoyed the
show, and it really means a lot to me that so many of my friends have come
to see it! I believe that I've had more 'specials' (actor-talk for "people
you know in the audience") than any of my castmates.

>Drew's characters in the last two acts were brilliant
"Brilliant". I like the sound of that!
I'm ready for my close-up now, Mr. Lachey!

>I wish I could see it again.  It was great...  :)
Thanks for that endorsement, Dan. In fact, if you wanted to see it again,
you could! Or if you know people that haven't seen it yet, they can! We
play for one more weekend... 
Thursday 10 Feb 8:00
Friday 11 Feb 8:00
Saturday 12 Feb 8:00
Sunday 13 Feb 2:00
Sunday 13 Feb 7:00

SOME of these shows ARE sold out (most definately the Friday show), but if
you mention my name to the box office person, she will do what she can to
get you tickets. The number is 513.684.1236, and the box office person is

Andrew Vogel: Program Manager at the University of Cincinnati College of
Pharmacy.               http://pharmacy.uc.edu/default.html  (513)-558-3784
Unsubscribe by going to http://www.actwin.com/MediaNation/OtR/
