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Re: Greetings and Salutations

Wow, JG, Thanks for the up-date!  However, I had to
give my daughter a small dose of valium in order to
read the whole thing in one sitting...hope she wakes
up soon....it's been 6 hours...ummm..... (I'm kidding!
I'm kididng!!)

Thanks to Jessyka also for making me feel special too,
*snif* Everybody's gone!  I'm a no one again! :) 
P.S., my daughter's 6 months old, yes I'm married (and
just celebrated my one year on Jan. 9 *yay me!* )
Stefanie is married too, no kids for her though, I get
to be a stay ot home mom (YIPEE!!), and unless I get a
scanner for my Mac (yes, I still have it and I like it
better then Windows, but let's not open that can of
worms again ;)  )  I'm afraid I can't send any
pictures just yet, but I'm working on it.  OH!OH!OH! 
I just remembered! We have a web cam, so when my
husband hooks it up again, I'll send you all the link!

Anyway, it's nice to hear that OTR is doing great (and
bringing people together besides! ahhh.....), and with
so many people switches going on..I'll have to re read
jg's post again to get a firm grasp on who all's in
the band anymore....

luvin life!

I believe in fate, so I'm never lost. I'm always exactly where I should be at exactly the right time. Unless I bang my head. That's not fate, that happens when God needs a laugh.
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