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Re: Rhinelander Ball

Cincy sounds good. Knoxville sounds better, (eh Sarah!) but Cincy sounds
good.  Plus in Cincy, we have a chance of asking bandmembers to
potentially come--I think they would do it.  We should at least invite
Stacie from the office. 

> I know Bonnie charges 
> $50 an hour to close the place down for private parties.  Hmm...

If 25 people came and all chipped in $10 we could have a little moolah
for a few extras...If 50 came and paid $12 that would be cool too.  I
mean class reunions and other gala soirée's get away with charging as
much as 35 bucks a person.  I think $10-$12 a head sound very
reasonable.  Windows calculator tells me that 50*12=600. common sense
reasons that 25*12=300.  So whatever, man.  

Maybe Monk or Slant could provide some music--maybe even Peter Mulvey,
or Jason Dennie.  Katie Laur--the list goes on and on...Drew has lots of
connections.  He even knows the Indigo Girls!!   :) So how about it
Drew, can you secure a little commonality in the music dept?  'course,
the idea of musical listies playing sounds good too.


"Quand tu plonges tes yeux dans mes yeux,
je suis toute dans mes yeux."  -- Gabriel Faure
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