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Re: website revision (although I have to say this header no longer makes sense)

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999 23:25:32 EST Tndreamgal at aol_com writes:
> Kelvin
>Yeah, I agree . . . he was a lot more fun.  Of course, everything is a 
>more fun when you are looking at it through the eyes of a preteen as I 
>was . 
>. .

Well, I must confess, I was not a preteen - or a teenager for that
matter.  But you are right, he was more fun.  And a heckuva lot more
real.  MWSII walked with me through some pretty horrendous moments in
1985.  I think MWS is amazingly talented.  It just seems to be a lot of
wasted talent.  It think one of the main differences is that back in the
day he was just playing good music.  In the past decade he seems to be
playing for teenagers (and playing to them - mugging and all.)  Sad...

Just a thought...
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