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Re: 19 december 1999.

burrill wrote:
>before the doors opened i was waiting in line, just like 
>everyone else.  all of a sudden i noticed that the door 
>had opened and that linford was coming out.  he grabbed 
>some people out of line and took them inside.  from some 
>comments made during the show, i took those people to be 

Yeah, one of them with a goatee looked a lot like a younger Linford.  I
suppose it was his brother, or something.  The similarities were striking.

>i was sitting next to two listies and i didn't know it 
>until just before otr took the stage.  (hi, dan.  hi, 
>sam.)  didn't get much talking in, but it was good to 
>meet them.

Sam?  I think you meant Amy(Raven)...?  Or maybe there was a Sam there that
I didn't know/meet... if so, sorry... :)

Anyway, yeah, it was nice to meet you.  Too bad we didn't even know we were
sitting near each other 'til it was almost too late to talk.

>(hi, lindsey.  hi, jay, even though i never did actually 
>meet you.)

It was a truly great time once we found out that Jay&Lynz made it.  :)  We
didn't think you'd show up after no sighting pre-Dennie or pre-OtR.  Good
thing you did, or Linford would have made that announcement for nothing...
:)  It was nice to see you two again, and many congratulations your way.
Have fun remodeling!! :)

>a few songs in, i noticed something.  when i looked in don's 
>clear barrier shield thing (whatever you call it), i saw 
>linford.  or, more specifically, linford's head.  well, okay, 
>a reflection of linford's head.  there it was, bobbing and 
>looking up and down and over.  sometimes it was in don's cymbal, 
>and sometimes it was right on don's head (and it didn't fit so 
>well, either).  the odd thing was that when linford would look 
>at karin, his reflection would look at terri.  the other odd 
>thing was that the shield distorted the reflection just enough 
>so that when linford was making a happy face, his reflection 
>looked like it was supremely unhappy or like it was hatching an 
>evil plan.

That was his plan... muuhaahaahaa... ahem.  Sorry...

>linford said that jack will be flying to england on electric 
>guitars.  at least, his phrasing led me to believe that jack 
>will be flying to england on electric guitars.  i'm not sure 
>if that occurred to anyone else.  and i doubt that linford 
>meant to convey such an idea.

We got a good laugh out of it, too.  It must hurt to fly all the way to
England on electric guitars... ouch!!

My highlights of the evening:
-Meeting up with Amy and having flaming cheese ('opa!), yay!
-Meeting new (and quite cool) people outside/inside the Ark.
-Opener Jason Dennie, cool guy.  Hopefully he'll come around here 
   soon... and by *here*, I mean Dayton/Cincy.
-Got to meet/talk with Ashley Peacock.  He's a cool guy.  He's 
   supposed to be playing at Kaldi's sometime in Jan/Feb... should 
   be fun.  I wish I wouldn't have missed his set at Blue Jordan.
-Meeting burrill.  I should have recognized your Monk shirt sooner, 
   dude.  Sorry... :)
-Meeting and somewhat catching up with Jay&Lynzi...
-Were any other listies there?

Oh, yeah, Over the Rhine was good, too... :)

Raiding windmills,

NP: Toad the Wet Sprocket - Dulcinea

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