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Re: We're number three! We're number three!!!

Amy N Macrellis wrote:

> Jeff K.--do you still exist on the list?  

Hi Amy...yes i still exist. I just find myself lurking more these days.
Anyways...Thanx to all that came out to the Kent show it really was nice
to see everyone. I was very jazzed that everyone enjoyed themselves (and
each other...hehehe) and that the music seemed to go over well. Brady's
is always a fun place to play and see friends. And hey...how about the 2
tunes Bink joined us on...pretty damn good , our singer wants to kidnap
him and make him her slave (calm down Bink). 

And yes, Binks addition to the OTR cover thing is very nice indeed. Very

>Anyway, sorry we didn't join you for dancing.  Perhaps next time I'm in >town I can make up for it somehow...

Oh Amy...u know i can think of lots of ways of how you can make it up to
us...(hehehe)...damn we're bad, but that's ok...

But we did have fun dancing as always. Bink went with us last time and
he sure seemed to enjoy himself...it was a whole other side of
him...pretty cool too ;)

So...for those of you who care the Pop Monet site is at:


and popmonet at viewsnet_com

We hope to do more shows with Bink. I want to try and intice him to
doing a little mini-tour with us in the spring. I thought our 2 sounds
really complemented each other. Again thanx to all that came and for
those of you who couldn't make it (hi Jess hi Chris) there's always next
time...but this time u missed a pretty good show.

take care all.


jeff k
