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Re: Last night at Gordon

please remove newps21from your mailing list thank you

>From: Scott Gorke <gorke at star_net>
>Reply-To: Scott Gorke <gorke at star_net>
>To: "'Over-the-Rhine ListServ'" <Over-the-Rhine at actwin_com>
>Subject: Last night at Gordon
>Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 11:28:17 -0400
>Nice to see the band - technically the best Gordon College show they've 
>ever had.
>Nice to see some of the old listserv guard - Don Smith and Snoop Duggy Dug 
>among them all.
>Nice to see so many people hugging - I couldn't believe how many people in 
>the audience were finding people they knew and hugging them like they 
>hadn't seen each other in ages. Or maybe Gordon College students just hug 
>each other for any reason - "I haven't seen you since 8 this morning! Oh!"
>More about it all later, unless someone else has already chimed in. I'm on 
>the digest, so I'll hear from others in attendance later.
>One big difference from past Gordon shows - OTR spent the previous night in 
>Massachusetts. IN previous concerts, they took off from CInti at midnight, 
>drove straight to Gordon, and then did the concert. That got them real 
>tired, especially 2 years ago, when they drove through snow the whole time. 
>This time, Linford was relaxed and talking to people after the show...
>More later! It's high tide in Gloucester, so must go watch the waves crash 
>on the rocks...

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