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Excuses, excuses . . .

Dr. Emery suggests:

>Do what I do - listen to your local NPR station.   I heard Monk's live
>'Tattoo' from _Blink_ a coupla weeks ago.   Gave me chills, hearing Monk
>the radio.

Oh, man.  It's news and classical music here.  Chances of hearing my
beloved popular music are next to none. 

>Marky Mark will be remembered for 'Boogie Nights' long after everyone
>forgets his white-boy-rapified Lou Reed cover.

No, dude.  "Good Vibrations" was the song.  

Dr. Sarah looks disapprovingly over her spectacles:

>Hey fred-
>No fair using graduate school as an excuse for not making it to the 
>show, I am in graduate school too...Sarah

Wow.  I never know what to say if my first excuse for not turning in a
paper on time fails, and this feels *just like that*.  

Umm.  There was this dancing penguin . . . uh, no . . . bear . . . 

See . . . it's the wedding this coming weekend plus the CS Lewis seminar
thingy I'm leading at church plus the reading Derrida and Foucault plus
the reading Frank Norris and Henry James plus the writing and journaling
plus the conference abstract plus the poetry submissions plus the making
picture frames plus the money issues plus the having to finish moving in
plus the organizing coffee house stuff plus the trying to make time to
start a little band plus the sleeping.  I felt overwhelmed.  See.  


I'm not very proud of myself, but I did sleep enough last weekend to keep
my butt sane this week.  


Sometime soon, though . . . 

