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Re: Thoughts on OtR...

In a message dated 9/15/99, paragin.1 at osu_edu writes:

> I was most certainly not seeing the same band and
>  was overall disappointed.  Had I no comparison however, I'm sure I would
>  have enjoyed the show more.  The loss of Rich and Brian ( or a percussion
>  section in general ) has taken the life out of OtR.  Now it's just the
>  Linford and Karin show.  The old shows used to be pretty hot and jamming
>  with people dancing all over, even at the Emery shows.  Now they've
>  relegated themselves to nappy time music

hey there.  i don't usually post responses to things, but i felt the urge 
this time.  
i didn't know otr in the "good old days."  i first heard them 5 years ago 
when my brother made me buy Patience, and the only concerts i've been to were 
the emery concert in 97 and 3 shows this year.  so - my perspective isn't as 
broad as it could be, but to say that otr is lifeless . . . good God!  where 
were you saturday night?  surely you weren't at the same show.  
the band _is_ evolving into something that it wasn't previously.  but if 
you'll listen to the cds, you'd see that there's been a definite growth from 
one work to the next.  
all this talk lately of whether linford is an asshole or if the band isn't 
like it used to be - who the hell cares?  i'd like to throw in my 2 cents.  
here 'tis, folks:
"stop whining (bitching, moaning) and enjoy what's been given us."
i love this band.  i love the art that they create.  i love to read linford's 
poetry and watch karin seduce the world from her stage.  i love the fact that 
i can see them in concert three times in one year and still want to see them 
a fourth.
so, that's all.

