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Re: They're 'Bout It

> I'd have to say that Over-the-Rhine is about being touched inside your
> heart/soul in a way that you have never been touched before.  The
> combination of great music and awesome lyrics come together to reach down
> inside you, and helps you get in touch with a part of yourself that you
> probably did not even know existed, but are grateful that it is there.

Do you mean "there is a me you would not recognize, dear. call it a
shadow of myself, and if the music starts..."

Over the Rhine isn't *about* anything singular in nature, at least not
on the level that the original question was asked IMHO.  So many bands
are about things now a days that it's almost not worth mentioning.  Limp
Biskit is *about* glamour, and attitude--wear blacked out contacts and
get arrested at the end of your video--that's cool man!  Whatever.

I think otr is "about" all those things that aren't really tangible. 
Like embracing life and living it to the fullest, learning, testing,
discovering, fulfillment of deep desires that go way beyond selfish.  I
think otr is about being human and all the power that goes along with
that.  It's about learning to harness that power by first letting it go.
but then again as we were recently reminded:  

"there's so much more to life than words"  

