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Re: @ Re: Re: it is well with...

bruce, bruce, the BeastMasterBruce sez:

> "Temptress Lynzi" enraptured us with her words.

aye, she did!

>  "Dead Can Harnish" sat back and reaped rewards, go figure.

go figure indeed. i count it a blessing!

(i like the new moniker, thanks.)

>  "Andy Vogelap" offered:
>  >Can I be married to
>  >BOTH Ysoi and Lynzi? Can I marry Bruce, too?

ah, Drew's a saucy tart. tarty, saucy.

>  "Corset Izzy" retorted:
>  >Could you handle us both, Drew? And you can't marry Bruce, because
>  >_I_ want to marry him.
>  "Studly Bruce" counters:

kinda like: manly, yes, but -i- like it too.
(hey, isn't that an Irish Spring advertisement? my old roommate
Chris and i used to always keep a bar of Irish Spring in our fridge,
for fun. it was to level out the effects of my little oven
elf across the room, who has since become my freezer elf here in MI.
he's a terrific fixture to my house, but i do miss having him
in my oven. the reason i used to keep him in the oven
is because my old oven in Clifton had a window, and a light inside.
whenever we had company, first thing we'd do is turn off all the lights
and explain that we needed permission from the oven elf
to let people stay over. explained that the first order of business
is to walk into the kitchen and turn on the oven light.
well, there he'd be, bottled up in the corner there kinda shaded over
and observant. i could swear that sometimes he was a little pensive
about strangers being around, but he always faired pretty well,
never did insist that company leave - thankfully.
to add to it, all my guests were decent in that they kept
a quiet reverence when entering, just like i'd demanded.
God bless my friends for humouring me over the years...
come to think of it, elf reminded me of the puppet show scene
in Ingmar Bergman's _Hour of the Wolf_. you know, the part
where the lights go down and there's -something- magical
about to happen. you don't quite know what it is, but it's almost
scary. and darn my friend Mike! one time he turned the oven on
without removing elf! he singed his little felt hat, too...
the greatest thing Chris and i ever did to please my elf
was covering the kitchen walls with aluminum foil. it added alot
of ambiance, and it gave one candle the light of a dozen candles
when placed properly. actually, Chris and i were geniouses.
see, the aluminum foil kept out the government's ULF testing patterns also.
the frequencies couldn't even make it through the aluminum! ha!
HAHAAA! yes, we were geniouses, but i digress...
i do miss having a window on my oven. that's all.)

>  It's nearly incalculable the sheer number of wedding proposals I'm getting 
>  lately, and they usually involve trying to get custody of my exhaustive 
>  Duran collection.  Prenuptuals will definitely be in full effect.

huh. over Duran Duran?

Bruce, are you sure that these proposals don't have anything
to do with the fact that you remove your pants after having
two drinks, regardless of who's around?
i mean, really...

>  Drew, your beard is itchy + scratchy when we make out,
>  so I dunno if I could do a long term thing.

ooh. oh my.

>  Yz, I'm considering your offer as the more serious of the two. 
>  I'll have my people call your people...
>  And Jay, when Lynz writes she's "pretty happy with this arrangement", I 
>  think she means she's happy your four hours away.  haha!  Just kidding.

Bruce! i don't think so!

(urm, lynz? he's not right, is he? i mean,
you meant being with me, right? not about the four hours away?)

(just checking.)

>  I just saw Shakespeare in Love last night.  Wowee, what a fine film. 

excellent film!

i think i've said enough here. time to stop.


NP: RevCo - Do Ya Think Im Sexy.mp3

In antiquity there was only silence. In the nineteenth century,
with the invention of the machine, Noise was born. Today,
Noise triumphs and reigns supreme over the sensibility of men.
Luigi Russolo (1885-1947)

[yes, Luigi Russolo is my hero!]

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<{---o<(\,- Sir Edward Jay, the Second ov Harnish -,/)>--o---}>
    ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ICQ #13819982   ^v^ ^v^ ^v^
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