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Re: Suicide

I would like to declare everyone who has responded, "Right," in my eyes on 
the suuicide deal. Here is a compilation of those posts in my own synoptic 

1)Eternal security does, in fact, rule.  Those who "seem" to have strayed or 
turned away were, perhaps, never in the fold - although it is no man's place 
to say concerning them or anyone else.  
2)  We all have moments of desperation where we panic or give in to emotions, 
needs, etc.  All of this is "sin" as it is not relying on God, but no one sin 
(suicide) is greater or lesser in God's eyes than another. 
3) it is true that one cannot ask for forgiveness after death, but one could 
also meet an untimely death in the midst of another sin or without having 
sought specific forgiveness for a past sin.  Under that criteria, wouldn't 
you be just as concerned?  (again refer to #1)  
4)I believe the only "unpardonable sin" is to die having rejected Jesus 
Christ as Lord and Savior.  At the point of death, it is then too late to 
reverse this mind-set, thus leaving one without possible redemption.  At any 
point up until death, this sin is forgivable like all others.  An important 
note, some believe that we choose to believe in Christ and follow His 
teachings, while others believe that we are chosen by Christ.   There are 
fancy words for these camps, but why bother.  I use the word "choose" to 
cover both meanings, because even if Christ causes us to come to Him, it 
appears to us as a point of "choice" in our minds.

Thanks for tolerating a lurker's viewpoint (although, a lurker who then makes 
posts, has perhaps graduated to. . .butt-inner?)
