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they call this Christian?!?

too quiet?

I'll regard this as a challenge as I eat my California
rasberries and eye the clock.  in exactly ten minutes,
I must nestle two mayflower boxes among the folds of
my sister's automobile chairs.

yes, I am moving again.

but in the meantime, mind you, I'll look you in the
eye and ask you a curiousity.

we started talking about it this morning, seth and I. 
he had sprawled his six foot seven frame on our floor
last night and this morning, as I squinted at an empty
coffee maker he started talking about music, art, and

it's funny that someone can hold my attention in
conversation at seven in the morning.

"so, what do you think Christian art should be?"

  I questioned with an arched brow, looking bleakly at
my weakened coffee.  it was a question I almost
jokingly raised.  the topic of Christian Art has
infected and affected my life for over ten years and I
have collected varied opinions with the same fixation
as a little boy and his beetle collection.

Seth responded with the ponderous "hmmmm" and
thoughtful look...then the conversation was launched.

what is Christian Art?

    is it some intolerable, poorly executed Jesus pop
culture stuff sold in tents and grocery racks?  (this
comment is not particularly aimed at all Christian
    is it one of the thousands of portrayals of Christ
in nail-driven wording and the strokes of a
     does it have to mention God or Jesus or the
Messiah at all?

(one more minute, lynz)
(then you've gotta go.)

but really?
    I'm curious of what believer's would call
Christian art.
    I'm curious of what those who don't believe would
call Christian art.

tell me.  cynics, zealots, charismatics, baptists.

what is it?

we can categorise this under the same nifty little
file as "is Over the Rhine a Christian Band?"

oop.  seven o'clock.
the evening shades prevail.
i must depart.

lindsey godlove.

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