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Re: That exact point in time...

Chris Emery wrote:
>Actually I know exactly where I was when that album hit me.  It was after I 
>dropped out of OSU, but before I moved to Columbus.  I was in my parents' 
>Buick Regal (ick, ick, ick) sitting at the intersection of Fairfield Road 
>and US35 waiting to turn left onto 35.  I think 'Open Secrets' just plunged 
>deep into my soul and lodged itself there.

It's weird how we remember such things... I have a couple albums where it's
like that for me:

-Toad the Wet Sprocket "Coil": pulling into the yellow SITE gas station on
I35, right after Factory Road in Beavercreek...

-Radiohead "Ok Computer": going over the second of two speed bumps on my
way into work at Sam's Club in Centerville... then having my bud in
hardlines blasting it all morning while we were driving forklifts around
before the store opened...

-Mr. Bungle "Disco Volante": starting on the "S-curve" out to Cedarville on
Route 42, just past Central State and Wilberforce.  "Techno Search for a
Desert Allah" floored me and made me give the album another chance...

Most of my other music seeps in faster, slower, or more unnoticed than that...


NP: Drain STH - Horror Wrestling

+- Dan Temmesfeld     Galactic Cowboys on the Web -+
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