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Re: to the OTR Neophyte.

Welcome unto the fold...Personally, I have to say I prefer The Great
Divorce by Mr Lewis, but hey...

What supernaturally fine goodies did you order for yourself?  I can only
assume TWHF (Til We Have Faces), but if you've heard that before - and
enjoy it - I hope you also somehow picked up Patience.  In addition to a
song amidst that gaggle that pays additional homage to Jack Lewis, it is
more in line with the sound of TWHF.  Then, venture into the land of Eve,
Good Dog/Bad Dog, and all of the rest.  They've matured a lot in the
intervening years.  Ric Hordinski has moved on to another band, and there
have been other changes.  But it's still a mighty good.


p.s.  The mp3 site that I started a few months ago will probably go away
soon.  I've moved jobs, but it is still quietly on the same server.  So
grab the mp3 love while you can, and enjoy it all.

[O]Drew Johnson (Bob the Dancing Monkey)-http://lucix.cla.umn.edu/djohnson
[O]Secure Computing - Customer Support Analyst
[O]Office Phone - (651) 628-1597
