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otr: jumpin' in.

Major lurker, Denice, here. I've been absorbed by Mommy-dom, writing,
traveling and beautiful weather, but I read the list once a week or so, and
I'm always so amazed and impressed by the diversity of the conversation. I
do hope you'll allow me to jump in on (what looks like the tail end of)
some recent discussions. 

First off: Big Success Vibes to DM on his upcoming Slam finals. Does Sara
Holbrook still Slam? I did a slam once. Just once. Green Mill Lounge. Got
clicked off the doggone stage. :-( Well, *I* liked my piece, anyway. <g>
And I got to see Billy Jonas for the first time there. Big yeah! 

Secondly: The modesty thing. When I was in college and had a college girl's
body, I briefly dated a guy who I was just gaga over (who ended up being a
real jerk, which is why we dated briefly, but I digress...). On our third
or so date, I did something I'd never done before. I wore a bikini
(pre-baby body, of course. I most definitely didn't know what I had,
then!). Up until that time, I'd been super-modest. Actually, I think I went
overboard with my modesty, wearing baggy clothes ala 80's style. Remember
Jamz? Anyway, this guy was to be the beginning of the "new, bolder, sexier
me" and when he picked me up to go boating at Portage Lakes, I changed into
that bikini to ask what he thought and if it would be appropriate. His
reaction frightened me. His jaw dropped to the floor and he transformed
into a blob of quivering flesh. I promptly shut the door, changed into my
modest one-piece, and never wore such a thing again. The knowledge that I
had the power to do such a thing was truly astonishing and I didn't believe
that I had the right to excersize such power flippantly. Now, as a wife and
a mother, I sometimes wish I had a bod that could change a man (other than
my husband <g>) into a quivering blob of flesh, but I also know that I do
*not* want my Sisters to be threatened by me. Women compete *way* too much
and do not allow themselves to glean from each other nearly as much as they
could. I would certainly never want to intentionally turn the head of a man
whose heart is inextricably bound to a trusting woman, and I want to raise
my daughters to have the same respect. 

Third: Reading. I'm currently reading _Mere Christianity_ (which I've
attempted to read and never get through, for some reason), _Inspiration
Sandwich_ and _Succulent Wild Woman_ by SARK; and _Lucretia Mott_. 

My favorites are: _The Great Divorce_, _The Chronicles of Narnia_, _That
Hideous Strength_ and _The Pilgrim's Regress_ by C.S. Lewis; just about
anything by Margaret Atwood (Esp. _The Robber Bride_) or Ann Tyler; Just
about anything by F. Scott Fitzgerald; selected works by Dorothy Parker and
various books about feminism & sexuality.

After all of the glowing comments about F.O'C, I'll be making a trip to the
bookstore today. :-)

Finally, after Bink's eloquent statement about the allure of modesty, I'm
hoping to see him at Brady's. :-) 

Back to lurking, now. Thanks for letting me indulge. 

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"Who you are speaks so loudly I can't hear what you're saying." 
	~Ralph Waldo Emerson