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Re: Star Wars (WARNING: Plot Points Revealed)

you wrote:

<<yeah, I would have liked to have seen a few stormtroopers get blasted by Han or Leia.  Hell, I would have loved to have seen Han and Leia.  I never thought I'd be one of those people who missed the old characters.  (that's not to say that i didn't enjoy the movie and the new characters--except the queen)

>>Leia is Luke's twin, so she isn't even a twinkle in Anakin's eye yet. 
Figuring that Han Solo is probably only slightly older than Luke and Leia,
he's probably not born yet, either.

yes, i obviously realize that--
i was just responding to chris's nostalgic post about the stormtroopers and saying that i would have LIKED to have seen Han and Leia.

but i do understand that they wouldn't have been in ep 1 


np: over the rhine_eve_

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