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Re: Star Wars (WARNING! Plot Points Revealed)

Dancing on a volcano, "dhazlett" <dhazlett at neo_rr.com> said:
>Chris, in his infinite wisdom, wrote:


><<Also, am I not the only one who wasn't surprised that Queen Amidala &
>handmaiden Padme were switching places when appropriate?>>
>I suspected that, but dismissed it because I thought it was too obvious. 
>My daughter, who's an SW fanatic, insisted that it was Amidala who
>accompanied Qui-Gon on Tatooine. Now, here's *my* question. Are there any
>clear indications to which scenes feature Amidala and which Padme? Were the
>two characters played by the same girl? And if it *were* actually Amidala
>when Qui-Gon decided to bet everything on Anikin in the podrace, why did
>Amidala say that the Queen would not like Qui-Gon's choice? Why did Qui-Gon
>respond that the Queen trusted him and then she backed off? Did Padme
>actually exist? She was never in the same room with Amidala, was she?
>Especially when Anakin came to say goodbye to Amidala before he went off to
>begin his training. Maybe this is a given but I just didn't catch it. 

After seeing it again, I'm convinced there was no Padme.  Natalie
Portman played both characters, and when Padme wasn't around, did you
notice that the other handmaidens typically had the hoods up?  I think
Qui-Gon knew about the switch as soon as Captain Panaka said "It is
the queen's *wish* that..." and looked pointedly at Padme.

>Also, what about Shmi's response, as a mother, seeing her child leave
>forever? Didn't she seem awfully calm? Was Lucas attempting to characterize
>how he thought a Mary-like character would react? 

I think she was serene mostly because she knew Anakin had been rescued
from a life of slavery, and could possibly reach his (great) potential
at the hands of an honorable Jedi (Qui-Gon).

>The podrace was my favorite scene. Did anyone else catch the guy who played
>"Wicket" beside Jabba? Wonder how many other Star Wars Trilogy characters
>did cameos in E1. 

Saw him.  Also saw the Wookies & ETs in the Senate.   Nice tie-in with
ET, I thought.

>I met Uncle Owen last year. What a trip. He seems pretty bitter that he's
>"only" known for Star Wars. He kept talking about his "more serious" films
>and dismissing the success of Star Wars.

What else has he been in?

NP: Various _The Wedding Singer, vol. 2_
From the notebooks of Lazarus Long (1916-4272):
"One man's magic is another man's engineering.
 'Supernatural' is a null word."

Follow-Ups: References: