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Re: Star Wars (WARNING! Plot Points Revealed)

Dancing on a volcano, Dan Temmesfeld <dantemm at erinet_com> said:
>>Also, am I not the only one who wasn't surprised that Queen Amidala &
>>handmaiden Padme were switching places when appropriate?
>No.  The first time I saw it, as she went went with them into the city to
>look for parts- I thought, ya know, that's probably the Queen.  Sure 'nuff...

I guess we're just smart, Dan.  ;-)   PS - I'm gonna try to get Tori
tix today.

>>Also, did anyone else find it strange seeing a Star Wars movie with no
>>stormtroopers?  I mean, I KNOW there are no stormtroopers yet in
>>Episode 1, but....
>Yeah, but the robots sort of act like them.  They've got the dumb-as-rocks
>fighting technique down, just like their human stormtrooper counterparts.

I noticed that the robots are obviously made of the same material
that's in the stormtroopers plastic armor that acts as a magnet for
lightsabers and blaster fire.

Also, jamming the lightsaber through the metal blast doors in the
beginning sequence was pretty cool.   Wonder if that thing works on a
couple D batteries or what.   Plus, wouldn't it over heat?

>>I think I'm gonna go see it again tonight.  ;-)
>I'm on two.  I think the third will be in a few weeks.  I need to let it
>sink in more...

Tonight, tonight, tonight.  whoa-ooooooo

NP: Genesis - _Trespass_
From the notebooks of Lazarus Long (1916-4272):
"One man's magic is another man's engineering.
 'Supernatural' is a null word."

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