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Christianity vs. "going postal" Where's the happy median?


All Christians are not the same.  Just as we have several examples of
different types  of buisnesspeople, shopkeepers, doctors, lawyers,
Harley Davidson owners etc., so are there different types of
Christians.  There are lazy ones, racist ones, greedy ones, honest ones,
selfless ones, fickle ones, ambivalent ones...  It just goes to show
that above all else we're all human beings first.  Before we tackle
anything else, we have to tackle that. 

I think C.S. Lewis said it very well when he said that basically life is
an ever changing discovery process.  If you seek the truth, you'll find
it.  If you really want to believe the worst, you will; if you really
want to believe the best, you will. But the thing that's most important
is that you find inner peace.  Here's the quote:

	What we [Christians] are committed to believing is whatever can be
	proved from Scripture.  On that subject there is room
	for endless progress. 	However you decide, good wishes.
	Mention me in your prayers.

So, Kyle, in that vein, whatever *you* decide in *your* life's journey,
good wishes. If I can be of any assistance--just ask.  If not, I'll
understand that silence is the best I can offer you.

God bless you,
