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Re: Goths and Kentites / *bio+mechanic purism rant*

gothbert nightshade asketh:
> >Are there really goths from all over the country
>  >here? Where are you two from?

mistress ysobelle replyeth:
>  Well, I'm from Philadelphia, acknowledged my Gothness in
> London and Florida and Atlanta, now in Pittsburgh, but
> moving back to Philly for a bit. See? 
> Totally random. Jay over there's from-- well, what, various bits of
> Ohio, now in the Motor City? I never could quite get that straight.

(yz, isn't this when you'd normally say, "SCORE!!" ?)

started out at 3 in a stinky post-industrial hole (Follansbee, WV),
move to the farmland country (Alliance, OH), cut my teeth in the
town of Cinci, then *really* cut my teeth in the Destroit area
(with aid of GLOD and company, plus the auto industry)...

seeminly random? yes.

but, ah, it's *not*. not at all.
all part of the 'gothindustrial super-plan'(tm), baby.

(smirking for a moment at my own pretense)

side note, may i explain a couple things to you, yz and friends:
i work at a stamping company. this entails strips of steel coming
off huge coils, being sucked into huge presses (up to 800 ton)
and basically getting the soul banged out of it.   l o u d l y .
(as you can imagine, this generates a tremendous amount of heat)

the first time i came on a plant tour before i took the job up here, 
i literally lost my speech as i was led in front of the press.
my dream come true, images i've always adored: flywheels, huge
honkin' gears, intermittent oil sprays, STEEL getting STRUCK HARD.
...and the sound alone. (oh, dear)

so i took the job. i still haven't recorded anything here yet, but i
really must one of these days. (um, Chris? you visiting anytime soon?)

so, anyway, it appears this has become my rant for man+machine.
the bio+mechanic. makes me remember all that scary H.R. Geiger
stuff i studied years ago, all the imagery and music and inspiration
from many sources, all of them pointing at this synergetic marriage of ~

blood + oil.
bone + spur gear.

skin, sprockets, hair, and hydraulics all woven together gloriously.
physics. pain. action + re-action. auto-mate. re-create.

"so shall wee sing"

man's progress and control. (?)

(it's just something i much enjoy, i spend hours staring
holes in the walls over it all, tightening up all over)

(darn, it's days like this that i say, "ah-ha! NOW i remember
why i'm a mechanical engineer!" - sometimes it just clicks with
me - it's so much easier with passion.)

yz, gothbert, all, it shouldn't be difficult to reckon why all the purist
industrial musick...

this is partially why i've spent many hours of my life banging on
whatever scrap metal i can with what lengths of pipe i can find.
(along with a drumset i made in the Home Depot aisle last autumn)
...but these are only miserable and weak attempts at my ideals.

(and reckoning the weakness of my past attempts is half the battle)

(yz, this is when you just nod and say "yes, jay. alright, dear.")

> But he sure is a 
> snazzy dresser.

why, thank you!  right back atcha, girl.

>  >And here, I thought I was alone in the world...
>  >
>  You're never alone when you have your toothbrush.

indeed, yz.
indeed, gothbert. you've got my attention now. tell. tell.

edward jay

NP: Leæther Strip - _Serenade for the Dead_

The machine does not isolate man from the great problems
of nature but plunges him more deeply into them.
-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944), French aviator, author.
Wind, Sand, and Stars, ch. 3 (1939).
(|==========-=-=----=----=---- - - -  -  -     -      
<{---o<(\,- Sir Edward Jay, the Second ov Harnish -,/)>--o---}>
	^v^	^v^	^v^	ICQ #13819982	^v^	^v^	^v^
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