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theoretically, we are supposed to be packing her
worldy possessions into boxes and shipping her in the
general direction of Philadelphia...

But our Ysobelle is in the shower, singing lovely.
this leaves me alone with Amateaur Shortwave Radio.
this leaves me playing it loud.

(slight grin)

well, I would agree initially with Mr. Callender that
I was not particularly impressed with the background
listenings I gave it.  
   Ross, Rachel, Melvis and myself were here at
Nikki's and in the midst of storytelling, bickering,
and family reunions Mel and I slipped through the
jewelboxes to find the little boy in black and white.

our curiousity won us over.

but after the repeated tracking of Karin over our
merriment left me dissastisfied and mildly irritated.

"do they figure just because they have OtR on the
spine, I, as a crazed fan will be bound to love it?"

I am giving it another hello.
I glanced over the liner notes and realised it was
basically a rapidly pasted scrapbook to say:  "here's
to ten years!"

having recognised that this is (DUH, LYNZi) actually
the case, and that the band wasn't feeding our
impatient anticipation of new material with leftover
dinner...I relaxed and well, I like it.

I would agree with Mr. Harnish--


I have always admired Mrs. Detweiler's voice.  it is
such an obvious signature of audible beauty in my
usual life.  but like a beautiful woman perpetually in
your company, sometimes she gives you that striking
glance and you realise her countenance astonishes you.

anyways, that's how I like Blackbird.

years.  it's lovely to know they've been around ten
years, though they've only been adding lavishly to my
life for a little over one.  

I like having years...


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