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recollections of an orchard...

before I had any idea that they were off the beaten
path, before I had any idea of the searching and
scrounging that would be involved or the mishaps and
mysteries of friendships begun

there was this website, see...

having heard the name Over the Rhine and rumours of
their subtle shimmer, I scrounged around browsers to
see what more I could find of the band.

yes, Eve was involved.

I wanted a copy.  and I wanted words.

so, you remember the one present a year ago?  the one
with the woodshed and the view of the river and old
Charlie's shack where the wares were splayed over
herbal tea?  

I've mentioned it to one folk or another and
discovered this was not OtR operated, as I had

  so who was the clever dear that designed it and why
did it have to die?

because it was there I first fell in love with them.  

when I explored the lyrics, the images, the general
conversational presentation and quirkiness of the
sight.  I think it was there I got my first peek
through the knotholes and had a hunch that I'd like
this band...

well, I cried, there in the dark, in my dorm room.  
I felt like I'd found my kindred.

I had no idea.

anyways, a site as lovely as this one would make me
quite happy...the two presently running are nice,
however I miss the odd turns and strange pokes of the
former running one...

   and aye, a little musing from linford, regular
commentaries and additives from the band folk would
make me really grin. 

but I don't think they'd do it.


np:  the cure:  galore.  
     & mel, following trippingly along on her bass...

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