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Kendrickjd at aol_com sez:
>> Gay bars in Georgia, that just seems strange.   Of course, we used to leave Ohio
>> and roadtrip to the gay bars in Kentucky, which seemed strange at first, but 
>> was really quite normal.
>gay bars in alabama must seem even weirder...but they're here!

Believe it or not, the last time Kyle & I went to GA to visit my parents,
we found a real, live *redneck* bar.   Just like the one in 'The Blues
Brothers' with the chicken wire and 'Rawhide'.  

We were going to go in and start a fight, but then we saw the guns in the
trucks in the parking lot, and gave it a miss.  
NP: Roger Waters - _Radio KAOS_
From the notebooks of Lazarus Long (1916-4272):
"The difference between science and the fuzzy subjects is that science requires reasoning,
 while those other subjects merely require scholarship."
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