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Re: kent listie gathering/VoL/Monk gig

"dhazlett" <dhazlett at neo_rr.com> sez:
>The boy with the nice hair and eyes wrote:


><<Oh, man.  Thanks, Denice.  You're far too kind.>>
>Why me? I didn't give them to you. :-)

No, but thanks for the compliments.

><<>Jen is very beautiful. Wish I had hair like that. <
>Me too.>>
>Well, Chris, I like you and everything, but must you, too, wish I had Jen's
>hair? <g>

New, improved CONTEXT-AWAY!  Takes any statement out of context in SECONDS!

>And the dream. Let me preface this just a bit. First, I'm happily married.
>Really. Secondly, I don't know Brian all that well. He's a great guy, very
>nice, have only spoken with him a few times. He used to carry my groceries
>out at the old IGA. Toby used to play bass for his brother. But beyond
>that, we don't have a relationship. But, as I said, he's a heck of a nice
>He always had a smile on his face, but for some reason, I always thought
>Brian was so...sad. 
>Analysis, anyone?

I'll take a stab...

I think this dream stems from a deep sympathy you have for Brian.  You see
him as a very talented person who doesn't get his deserved recognition.
He's been tossed around, in & out of OTR, etc.  So, your subconscious
placed you in the place of someone who could give him that.  Fulfilling a
perceived need, if you will.  And, of course, being a dream, he was modeled
into what you viewed as an ideal man.  Happily ever after, etc.

Either that, or you just want to shag him rotten.

PS - Denice, did Toby have a full beard last time I saw him, and not just
the goatee?
NP: Tom Petty - _She's The One_
From the notebooks of Lazarus Long (1916-4272):
"Yield to temptation.  It may not pass your way again."
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