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Re: a request

Jaharnish2 at aol_com sez:
>hej - sorry to hear about this, Andy.
>i'm nauteous just *thinking* about it.
>hrm, say - is this my opportunity to create another
>Dead Can Dance/Loreena McKennitt/Einsturzende Neubauten/
>Laibach/GLOD convert?

GLOD.   heh.   What about LARD?

>BTW, great to see you again. too bad we didn't all get to goth
>at Laga together, sometimes conversation is needed much more
>than, yes, even gothing.

You should have stopped by Kent on your way back. 

>doing pretty darn snappy for Monday morning,

Didn't see your boy Dale in Kent.
NP: Metallica - _Master Of Puppets_
From the notebooks of Lazarus Long (1916-4272):
"Yield to temptation.  It may not pass your way again."
http://mygod.usuck.com - Real content coming soon!
