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Re: Actually its D.M. (About anne and cocteaus)

"Gardner McPherson" <yavin at mindspring_com> sez:
>It might be good for you to tell them how incredibly wonderful you are, but
>I figure we should just keep that our secret.  They'll figure it out soon
>enough.  Oh.  Wait, I cced the list didn't I.  Chris... can we do an
>auto-erase of the hive mind?  I want them all to forget I just said that...
>;-) *g*

Wow.  Haven't seen a *g* since my old BBS days in college.  what a
flashback.  Thanks, Gardner, for taking me back to a more carefree time,
even just for a moment.

Oh, and no, we can't erase the HiveMind.  Because a complete copy of it is
stored in each unit, we can't erase anything specific without bringing in
each unit for reprogramming, and I've just got enough to do as it is.

>It's also different from a pronounced lisp.

Or programming in LISP.

>> jamie...or Wookie...or "hey, would you shut up" :)
>How about, "Hey, would you please say more cause we love you." ?

Can you feel the love tonight?
NP: Genesis - _The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway_
From the notebooks of Lazarus Long (1916-4272):
"Yield to temptation.  It may not pass your way again."
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