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Re: Re:Digest V2 #612 (Catching up with...)


that nice D M said....

>Either Danger Mouse {snippage}

yeah!  Danger Mouse!    Danger Mouse rocks!!!  (bink, you and i discussed
danger mouse once, remember?)

then he said, after some more {snippage}
>On Tom Wait's new album: Excellent

woo~hoo!  ~another~  Tom  Waits fan on my very favourite list O people.

so, we number now, what?  5 or 6 strong?
And Candace mentioned to me earlier this week that she was spinning the new
Waits disc in her music store and liked it ('cause Candace rocks!)
and don't forget karin is a Waits fan, too.

i propose we should have an Over the Rhine list __Raindogs__day:  One day
next week, say, Friday,  all listies should go out and buy __Raindogs__,
(which may be his best and is probably his most "accessible", i.e. "easy"
album)  and we all groove to it on the same day.   oh, wouldn't that be fun

then next friday we could all go buy a King Crimson album in honour of
Chris, who rocks.

(everybody rocks today!  i'm happy!  Monk/VoL only hours away!  yippee ki yi

chris, i didn't know you were thinking of attending tonights gig.  the only
reason i'm not disappointed is 'cause i wasn't expecting to see you anyway.
still, rats from hell!   was it something about being "chained to a desk"?
all that talk of bondage with DM and Miss Jen really went to your head,
didn't it?    you ~did~ discuss your "safety word" beforehand, didn't you?
well, let's hope!
(there's an image.  Chris chained to a desk,  Kyle's ball-gag in his mouth,
Miss Jen holding a crop.  are those welts?)

"got a whip
 in my hand, baby.
and a girl or a husky
at leather's end"
---Blue Oyster Cult
or "and a Chris and a husky"

ahh, way too chipper this morning.  even work isn't bummin' me out.

danger mouse!  dm, you're too cool!

