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About the Concert

I'll save the concert review for someone who knows how to write one.

But it was great to meet other listies.  Sir Jay, we only had time to shake 
hands, but at least we said 'hi' this time.  Chris and the other listies I 
met, it was nice to put faces with names.  Drew, I liked your story about 
striking out; I hope I wasn't rude.  Sorry I couldn't take you up on the 
invitation to go with the group to the Blind Lemon, or Deaf Grapefruit, or 
whatever it was called.  And thanks for opening my CD.

I must say, besides meeting ya'll, the best part of the actual concert was 
hearing Rhapsody live for the first time.  If it weren't for that song, I 
wouldn't be the OtR lunatic that I am today.  Oh, and next time I go to 
Bogarts, remind me to wear comfortable shoes. Or platforms.  You listies are 
a tall group of people.  : )
