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Re: Kent Lostees, My Love Is A Fever, and Pool.

That intuitive jg wrote~~

> i just kept thinking about the "end of the band"

> hollowness in me  (c'mon, it's just a ~band~ for god's
> sake!)  and hollowness in the words of Karin when she announced the
> 10-year-anniversary of the band, 

> So, Karin,  how ya gonna
> celebrate?  by dumping the band?

> and "it just won't be any fun if you guys aren't there"

This is really hard to explain, but I haven't felt this way about the
band before.  I was initially going to do everything in my power to get
to Bogarts next weekend, but now it doesn't seem worth it.  I mean why
spend money that I don't have, shirk studying and lower my gpa right
around finals time and throw all caution to the winds to see an band
that doesn't make me feel good to see.  Honestly,  I was excited about
the 'piano' cd but now that I know that brian won't be with the band
anymore, I really don't want it.  I mean there will be plenty of discs
sans BK now--who cares about a slapped down coupla tracks of Linford

I just cant get excited about going to cincy to see Brian leave.

And I  originally thougt it would be good to go since the band would
need all the financial support they could get--you know all the price of
admission, and all the money from the sale of the CD's... I thought it
would be cool if they ran out of discs to sell.  But they just bought
Costello's entire catalog?  I couldn't afford to do that!  How many dics
has the man put out?  He's been pretty prolific.  I'd venture to say
that with his solo releases, with the attractions, and various
others--bacharach ect, there would be at least 15-20 discs here, right? 
At an average of $10 a disc, which is a pretty low average, were talking
about $150 to $200.  I'm thinking the band might be doing pretty
well---or is this one of the perks you get by taking bandmembers off the
payroll for 6-8 months?  Less mouths to feed = more money for the few
members left.

I remember talking to Linford at Nashville and asking him how many hotel
rooms they usually asked for when being booked. He said about 6 with the
whole band.  I kind of said oh wow really, and he replied:  "or
whatever."  now I see what he meant.

In a word I'm bummed.  Too much information I guess.

Remember in grade school you'd write a note and put SSS at the bottom?  

SSS = sorry so sloppy

what about SSC?

SSC (sorry so cynical)
