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possible subtitles:
Amy Romania is right!
April 30 should be a must-see (though i can't make
it)Danielle at users_god-knows-what i lost her addy! rats!!
It's The End Of The World As We Know It
Dynamic Duo
Monk Review 4-22-99
Will This Signify the End Of the List, Too?

first off, hi.

last night i went to the Monk show in Cleveland at John Carrol University.
Brian Kelley was there.  Brian drummed,  but before he drummed we talked
awhile.  He said that April 30 is to be his last show with Over The Rhine.
"aaack!  why?"  i asked.
He said that he got a phone call from Linford,  and Linford said that after
10 years he thought we needed something new,  and that that was enough, da
da da da da da.  And Brian said that he agreed and was thinking the same
thing too da da da da da da da da.  Moreover, he said, that sometime during
the tour with Cowboy Junkies,  for financial reasons,  he and some other
members of Over the Rhine were taken off salary, da da da da da da da da.
Jack ~must~ be Over the Rhine's guitarist, he said,  he isn't permitted to
work anywhere else on his Visa.  (this explains partly why he's there as one
of the 3-piece).
"what about Terri?  what about Randy?"
He said that Terri will be there at the 30th show, but will just do a few
numbers.  Randy Cheek of Ass Ponies was their bassist on contract for the
C-J tour only.  The Ass Ponies are still very much together as a band, he
Thinking of Amy Romania's often unasked question,  i asked him, "so is OtR a
~band~ then?"
He laughed a little,  and said OtR is a duo.

So....ya wanna see Over the Rhine as you know 'em?   You gotta go to Cincy
on the 30th.   I check my calendar and see that i can't go---gotta work the
next day.  rats from hell!

So, as if that's not disappointing news enough,  i meet some lovely Over the
Rhine/Monk fan chick there somewhere who is not (yet) on this list,  and we
talk about stuff including what nice things i can send her from my in-box if
only she has e-mail,  and she does have e-mail!  so i get her addy.  then i
promptly lose her addy!
it starts "Danielle@users"  and that's all i can remember.   it's not
@aol.com,   and i think it's  dot-net IIRC,  but Ican't RtooC, maybe because
Albert bought me four Corona's before the gig.  (thanks, Albert.  I think 4
is my limit!)  Danielle is not going to OtR's show at Brady's tonight,  she
has some commitment.  she's sad about this.  Chris, how can i find her?
and Chris, she would fit your "attractive listie theory" if only she were a
listie.  great teeth!  yum!

Speaking of Chris Emery,  Ric said to someone,  Merchy Todd, i think,  that
Chris drove all the way up to Detroit to see 'em play.  Chris, was Merchy
Todd not there?

Monk at JCU.

John Carrol University is a ~really nice campus~
we had to stroll across it to find a bar.
then we strolled back to find our room where Monk played.
in the room, which was free to enter, and nobody came 'round collecting
money later, either,  were tables spread with butcher paper, and they had
crayons on them for doodling/drawing/etc.   On one side was a table with
muffins and little finger sandwiches and tasty bread-nut-things, and three
big silver fancy urns, one with Hot Chocolate (for me),  Cappacino (for
Candace who wasn't there) and Coffee,  and  little plastic mugs.   all free!
After the show,  Albert said that the toilet paper that hung on that
big-diameter roll with the little crank - knob was as soft as anything he
had at home.   this is a fancy-ass college,  boys and girls.   My father in
law's degree was from JCU, BTW.   Nice place.  Never been before.

Monk started playing with--
Ric on guitar, Brian on Drums, and David on Bass.  and for those of you
seeing OtR on the 30th, it's David on Bass for that gig, too.   List, meet
David.  David, meet list.     David looked very cool, chewing gum the entire
time,  looked nonchalant and happy, and played his bass up high like Mike
Georgin does.
* Circle of Quiet
rocked!   yes, this is a very good way to see CoQ, as someone here said not
long ago.  See it with Monk.
i looked around for set lists to steal, but there were none on stage.
at one point the E-Bow  (that's that little humming gizmo he lays on his
strings, right?  the E Bow?)  came out during CoQ, and i think it never came
out again for the night.  No Echoplex work, either.  I had scrawled
"Echoplex us!"  on my butcher paper at the front table late in the gig, but
it went unnoticed.   Albert thought this song kicked ass.  Albert's never
been; i dragged him along.

*Willoughby.  Nice version,  pretty faithful.  Albert liked this too.

*One Eye Open.   somewhere around this point Ric asked if we had any
requests.  I wanted to call out  "Ring Out"  but i thought i might stay
quiet for awhile,  and call later or see if it would get played on it's own.
I should have been bold, because Ring Out didn't get played, and the set was
short.  And he didn't ask for requests again.

*This Train

*Speaking with the Angels  (?)  a cover tune by a Canadian that Ric likes,
was how he introduced this song.  Not sure if that was the title, but it
would make sense.

*Little Wing.  Now, Albert, a Jimi Hendrix fan,  was digging this.  if he
needed any "winning over"  to this new band i drug him to, this was it.
When it began, i was in the restroom pissing away some of that Corona, and i
thought to myself,  "this'll turn Albert on"    (no, not the pissing!  the
Little Wing.  oh, you guys!  sheeesh!)   (i guess i oughta go back to
sentence construction 101, huh?).  Anyway, little wing did turn albert on,
and he stood to clap for that one.

*That's My Love,  here with a jam at the end that included an OtR riff
(which one, jg?!)   (I forget!)  and his Joe Walsh Funk 49 riff thrown in
there, too.

That was it.  thank you goodnight.  Loadout.

After the show is when i met Danielle,  because she had yelled out Brady's
during Ric's "where ya from"  rapport segment, so i knew we had a local
(possible or potential) listie to talk with later.  Oh, does she have teeth
to die for!

Then i talked more with Ric and Brian and Todd and David some more,  and
asked the "what are you listening to/what's in your rack collection
question"   here's Ric's list:
Joe Henry __fuse__  and this is also a brian favourite, too.
Swedish band Agram, and likely i have this spelled wrong.
He's been enjoying the hip-hoppy mixes by Uncle.
Radiohead's OK Computer,  he says it's a good headphone record.
Daniel Lanois' Acadie he says is where he gets his ideas.  listen to acadie
and you'll hear some Monk, he said.
And Stereolab.   Japanese (?) stuff that doesn't quite make sense, yet still
makes sense,  is about how he put it.

Well, that's it.

Now, does anybody know Danielle?  ......Heather?  Raven? Jeff?

Oh!  wait. it's not quite the end.   i said to Brian, what are you gonna do
now?  and he said "kinda float around, pick up gigs here and there.   maybe
get my own band together.  it'll be good."   he said that Terri has got some
gigs going with Chris Dalgren, and they sound good, too.

now it's the end.
(of the world as we know it)

do i feel fine?


p.s.  Joshua Lawson, i hate your addy!  you don't have to change it for me,
but i hate it.   love, jg
