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Re: RE: Danger Over Kosovo

> I'm hoping I can join you, and everyone else, at the Kent show, but I'm
> afraid I might not know until that very evening. I might not get out of crew
> until 6.30, and I don't know what time you're leaving. Nor do I have a
> ticket, unless Brucie picked one up for me. I will keep all and sundry
> informed about the various minutiae of my daily existence.

Yz!  You *have* to come!! (yes, I am feeling selfish today... but
gods only know when I'm going to get the chance to meet you again!)

Besides, we have to make up for the lack of kilts at this gathering

In other news, I just might have the third draft of my thesis done
by the end of today.  Yay!!! (Of course, then I have to work on that
other paper, yes, the one I've been whining about and generally
avoiding for the whole semester.)

Listie Jeff, we hope you're not mad!! Please come back!
/hopelessly cure pouty-face/

Hmm, I suppose if I want that thesis to get done, I should go work
on it, no?

Take care,

np: Holly Cole--Don't Smoke in Bed

also np: people banging on the roof of my apartment.  Annoying,
but at least that means that soon, the seals on our balcony
door won't be leaking every time it rains.
