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Re: gas out

In a message dated 4/14/99 11:47:50 AM, OncleBoo writes:

<<So I guess we should start bombing in China, Sudan, and all the other 
places where this is happening too?  Or do we just bomb the countries that 
allow CNN to show it to us?


No, heres what we do. We let him kill all the Albannians and the problem goes 
Ever hear about Hitler? Get out your history books and I think we will see 
that you were alive at that time,and have been reincarnated. Same arguments 
made over and over. Of course it was only the jews and poles and Russians etc 
Whatever it is we don't do,it pales in comparison to what we should do,and 
are doing. Whether you like it or not. It is the right thing. It should have 
been done sooner. If you are silly enogh to thing that this is just some kind 
of Truman show for entertainment,you droped the ball.
As for China and Sudan,thats a Nome de turd.
