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Re: The weekends activities in review [no OTR]

dawn.cozart at gx_Novartis.com sez:
>Chris Emery sez:
>>Well, I did a 1040 *too*.   Everyone does a 1040.  It's just the additional
>>forms that create all the headaches.
>Wow - maybe when I grow up I'll have more disposable income and outgrow the
>lovely EZ!!

Yeah, Kyle was gloating - he was able to do his over the telephone somehow.
He didn't even NEED a Form 4927.  Sheesh.   Just wait'll next year when you
have to figure in that Roth IRA, son.  ;-P

>>>Alcohol, in any form, is always good.
>Too much vodka can be BAD. (at least the next morning!)

Nah.   It's never been a problem for me, at least.

>>Admiral?   I couldn't remember if I told the whole dream or not.  Dawn Cozart
>>was in it, and so was Scott Ulrich.  And Brucey, of course.
>Wow, dreaming of me.  Do tell........
>(or do I want to know???)

Well, you were as cute as ever, and sitting behind me, just like the xmas Monk
show.   The building was odd.  Todd was selling Monk albums on VINYL, and
Bruce was snorting our cigarette ashes out of the lid of a Monopoly box.
That's about all I remember.

Anyone up for some onieromancy?
NP: Rush - _Power Windows_
ICQ: 1388556  ***    AIM: ChrisEmery
Floyd Code: v1.2a r+d>s TW 0/0/ FD 0- 0 Meddle 4 0 22.1% <12feb99>
"Also NOP should be an instruction in real life." - Kibo
