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some people

this is a message i received this morning from overrhines at aol_com....

i realize this probably isn't your fault and you knew nothing of it... but
ever since i checked out a few otr sites, i've been getting lots of mail that
i'm not even supposed to get.  people keep sending them to over-the-
rhine at actwin_com and I seem to be recieving all of them.  it REALLY bothering
me, so if you could take that name off your list i would greatly appreciate
it.  another thing,  i am an absolutely HUGE fan of OTR (hence the screen
name)  and i live in N'ville and didn't even know they played here.  that
greatly upsets me.  so if they ever play again around here you can feel free
to mail me then.  but all this other stuff has got to stop. thanks...
(overrhines at aol_com)

she realizes this *probably* isn't *my* fault!!!!!!!  it amazes me how people
can find their way onto the list and not off!!!  i mean, you can't get on the
list just by "clicking on a few things".  aaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhh
anyone wanna put the poor girl out of her misery and take her off of MY list?
