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Re: some people

Kendrickjd at aol_com sez:
>this is a message i received this morning from overrhines at aol_com....
>i realize this probably isn't your fault and you knew nothing of it... but
[snip snip snip]
>(overrhines at aol_com)

>she realizes this *probably* isn't *my* fault!!!!!!!  it amazes me how people
>can find their way onto the list and not off!!!  i mean, you can't get on the
>list just by "clicking on a few things".  aaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhh
>anyone wanna put the poor girl out of her misery and take her off of MY list?

Jan, you evil wench!   Stop putting innocent people on the list!  ;-)

I no longer have any sympathy for morons who can manage to subscribe to a
listserv, and somehow can't manage to unsubscribe themselves.

From this point on, I say fuck 'em.   They'll either figure it out, or get
*really* good at deleting email.
NP: The Beatles - _The Beatles_ (white album)
ICQ: 1388556  ***    AIM: ChrisEmery
Floyd Code: v1.2a r+d>s TW 0/0/ FD 0- 0 Meddle 4 0 22.1% <12feb99>
"Nuns are generally evil, but there are a few exceptions." - Dan Mazzella
