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Re: goths and OtR + humorous dancing observations!

Good Sir Mike of McVey <mmcvey at uic_edu> pleads:
>  Please, dearest listies, disavow any Gothic pretensions. : )  And 
>  please don't call Over the Rhine gothic. Please.....  They are not, 
>  are they. 

nope. i wouldn't ever say that (i didn't earlier, did i? good crimony, i hope
it didn't come across that way).
there, there, Mike.  ;-)

>  Please!     Sure, I like some Goth music. Arcana is awwwsome, for 
>  example. (www.coldmeat.se)

you rock.

now i'm dizzy. and here, i thought i was one of maybe 6 people in the midwest
who listens to Cold Meat Industries' stuff. i don't own any Arcana cd's, but
i've heard some. you're right, it's great. i think they were in Detroit last
year, and i missed them. (didn't they put some cd's out on Projekt?)
(CMI is a Swedish label that pumps out the most blood-chilling music.
ironically, one of the bands is comprised of Christians).

>  And I have nothing against Goths as 
>  individuals either. But the subculture..... er..... uh .... Sorry kids. 
>  From what I've seen of it, Gothic dancing and socializing patterns 
>  would make the 6 - inch rule at Bible Thump University look 
>  downright intimate. I don't think I saw physical closeness once 
>  between the Gothic nightclubbers I saw here in Chicago at Neo's. 
>  Goth dancing, it seemed, entailed pretending one is the only being 
>  in existence.

regarding the lack-of-intimacy dancing thing:
hoo-boy, it's not quite like that here in Detroit, buddy. but...

i have categorized goth dancing into three styles. this is merely another
reason why i completely poke fun at the pretentious goth community, all in
good fun, of course:
<this is through *much* intense study and observation over the years, BTW ;-)>

1. said goth crosses legs with someone else and slide-grinds up and down to
their knees, shamelessly. the fetishists or first-time visitors typically are
the ones that do this. no one else exists.

2. the "ohmigosh! (alternately, "ohmigoth!") i've lost my contact - it's
around here somewheres" dance. this is where said goth spans an extra wide
stance, bends down so their back is nearly parallel to the floor with
outstretched arms, and swoons slowly in a circular motion in parallel with the
floor, shamelessly. said goth takes short breaks to stand upright, bend
backwards with agonizing visage, covers eyes from the "blinding" strobe lights
mixed with dry ice smoke, then smears their hands painfully down their face,
tugging and stretching makeup, skin and lips. the "looking for my darn
contact" programme resumes immediately, and so on. no one else exists. this
one i've been guilty of, i admit. it's quite rediculous, but amazingly fun in
a purely mocking way.

3. the "can't get all these flys away from my face fast enough" dance. said
goth looks as if they are in a 'hopped-up on liquid LSD' trance, swatting up,
swatting down, swatting all around and swatting some more, shamelessly. no one
else exists. on unfortunate occasion this is combined with fluttering about
like a spasmic butterfly on heroin - when these two mix, it's time for
everyone to leave the club.

> And that Goth co-worker.... Let's say she just loooved 
>  graveyards and let me know it. Yeah. Me too. But I ain't dead yet.

my old favorite spot to picnic in Cincinnati was Spring Grove Cemetery, and i
miss it dearly. there's no more peaceful and quiet place for me.

>  The frustrated bachelor I am, going Goth would be about as 
>  romantically unhelpful for me as it gets!

hrm. well, that really depends. one rule i've kept is to not get in ANY kind
of relationship with a girl i'd meet at a club - it's just good sense for
obvious reasons.

now, if you have any kind of an existing relationship with goth-femmes that
are not 13 year old Mansonites or melodramatic "woe is me" "life sucks" types
that have to get plastered in white/black makeup to leave the house, then
that's a start. goth women tend to have pros and cons that i'm not *even*
going to get into here. yet, just let me say that women that have good mature
goth sensibilities and tastes (don't even have to look the part much,
necessarily) are wonderful creatures to be around - fun, passionate,
compassionate yet sometimes cynical, etc, etc.
not for everyone, i realize, but i usually dig it.

i, too, am a bachelor, bro.

>  Please, again, let me know 
>  that OtR is not a Goth band.

you want it? you got it:
OtR is *NOT* a goth band. heck no.
they just a few shimmering moments of touching on a darker vein, that's all.

>  Am I missing something? 

i hope not - wasn't ever trying to imply blah blah, just noted that one of the
many things that draws me to OtR is the same thing that draws me to darker
music, much of it non-goth, like Nick Cave and the like. it's a passion that
lacks in other music.

>  Goths please advise!

<tips hat>

allow me to leave you with some *excellent* humor:

You might be a goth if...
• While reading Edgar Allen Poe's "The Pit and The Pendulum," you realize that
the description of the dungeon pretty much matches the decorations in your

• The Count was your favorite Sesame Street character as a child.


NP: Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - _Best of_

"Aristotle thought there were eight legs on a fly and wrote it down. For
centuries scholars were content to quote his authority.
Apparently not one of them was curious enough to impale a fly and count its
six legs."
-- Stuart Chase
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