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OtR goth busting / murder in the form of song

first of all, i *amost* titled this message:

"Who ya gonna call? Goth Busters!"

but i didn't.

Edouhard Jay the Secunde talke:

> > goths...? coming out the woodwork on the OtR list? hrm...
>  > <rubs hands together furiously>
>  > kind of a catalyst in the nucleus of the HiveMind, if you will.
>  >
>  > and i hope you will.

Gardner <yavin at mindspring_com> talk:

>  I find this to be fairly unsurprising.  Once, I was asked to catagorize the
>  music of OtR.  The only thing I could come up with was, "Gothic Folk."
>  Later on in life I met someone else who had (independantly of me) decided
>  the same label for them.  I'm not sure it's a catagorization that they
>  be comfortable with, but...

you know what? i wouldn't *totally* disagree with you. here's why:

people like Nick Cave and PJ Harvey are *not* goth. however, they really have
a dark sounding vein of music, and me - mister "i need for music to scare me
pale and witless" has been known to actually shudder violently while listening
to Cave or Harvey (especially Cave - oh dear). if you want to know sometime,
ask. i read his book "And the Ass Saw the Angel" earlier this year, and it was
what i would describe as a Gothic Appalacian Spiritual Horror novel.

sorry this is taking me a bit - i'll wrap it up right here:
just like i am drawn to Nick Cave for all his all-too-honest brooding and
terror, goodness, listen to some OtR (not all of it mind you, or even alot of
now go down a few lines for the rest.

>  I mean, come on... Daddy Untwisted?  Baby Jane?  Linford just needs to get
>  over it and start wearing all black at shows.

some of you know that i bought the whole motherload starship of OtR's
backcatalogue at Saturday's show. i had heard bits of _Besides_ before, but i,
long and deep into the stupors of sleep depravation and thought on the way
home from Dayton, listened to this gem fully for the first time.

one word:


this tightened my muscles up quite a bit upon the first listen, and every
subsequent listen. knuckles white, eyes wide, and very picturesque. i would
say - ohhh - that this song is pretty darn creepy sounding, and i'd have
flaming liar pants on if i had said that i would expect that song from
Linford, Karin, Ric and Brian.

now, *this* song i've never heard out before, and i'd seen them a ton around
that time period. anyone ever catch it live? if so, is it taped?

if we ever actually do some OtR cover songs, all i'm saying is "dibbs!"

>  (Flameshield activated)

hey - put that down pal!

Alyssa <aportwoo at slis_kent.edu> talk:

> Gardner (hello, pleased to meet you.),
> I'm right with you... I think the "Goth" label fits, so it might as well be 
> worn (or pinned directly to the flesh.)  I don't think OtR as a Goth 
> band would really fly, however, because Karin just wouldn't look cute 
> with spiky black hair (or would she?)

IMHO, she could do anything like that & i'd just love her for it all the more,
although i suppose that would be pushing the envelope a little extreme.
i sure don't think they'd have any business as a goth band - but there sure is
a nitch of dark folk that is way bigger than some of you may realize. oh yes,
i forgot to mention 16 Horsepower - interestingly a band of Christians, yet
very *very* mortally frightening (only because they are so very honest with
their music + lyrics) at times.
Martyn Bates has done some very grim folk music, and so has Current 93, Death
in June, and heck, even the Violent Femmes (ever hear _Hallowed Ground_?)!
there are so many more.

> -Alyssa the semi-goth semi-lurker, and boy I really need to get back 
> to work now, the curse of being a grad student. 

dear Alyssa, thank you so much for delurking, and of couse for being a semi-
goth fan of Over the Rhine.

oh, and you're from Kent? more of my old stomping grounds... ahhh.

that's all i'm saying now. goodnight all, and happy hunting.


NP:  :Wumpscut: - _Bunker Gate Seven_

The pleasure that is in sorrow is sweeter than the pleasure of pleasure
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)
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<{---o<(\,- Sir Edward Jay, the Second ov Harnish -,/)>--o---}>
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