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although I don't know any of you, and am still relatively new to this list (3 months), I am happy for all of you that went to Canal Street

I don't think that I've ever read such poetic and emotion-driven accounts of a show.

It is amazing, I wish that I could have been there too, but your energy is enough, and, in a way, I guess that I should not have been there--

One day, the band may come my way, but Nashville is still two days away and so is Dayton. . .

The sad part too is that if they ever do come this way, I will still not meet any of you, and will still be somewhat removed.  I doubt that most of you would drive down here to catch them

OOOH--I wasn't supposed to do that--there I go feeling sorry for myself.  My intentions were well-found, I just wanted to tell all of you that posted that your writing illustrates that the Canal Street show had an effect on you.  Your creative, lyric "ramblings", flow as one long account, and because of your writings, I know what it was like to be there--

Thank you


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